beruf baggage
「URBAN EXPLORER 6.0」は、より少ない持ち物で快適に移動するために設計された、機能的なスリングパックです。
鞄の産地として千年にも及ぶ歴史と伝統を誇る「鞄の街 豊岡」の地域財産である生産地ブランド「豊岡鞄®」とのコラボレーションによって、革新的なデザインと確かな技術を掛け合わせた新たなスタンダードをご提案します。
寸法 / DIMENSION | Width(幅)32cm / Height(高さ)20cm / Depth(奥行)12cm |
容量 / Capacity | 6 Liter |
重量 / Weight | 450g |
素材 / Material | Exterior(外装) ・CORDURA® Ballistic Hollfil AIR™ Nylon(ナイロン) ・Polyester(ポリエステル) Interior(内装) ・Nylon(ナイロン) ・Polyester(ポリエステル) |
原産国 / Origin | Japan |
"URBAN EXPLORER 6.0" is a functional sling pack designed for comfortable movement with less belongings to carry.
The functionality contained in the extremely minimal appearance can be intuitively worn and handled with simple steps.
The interior of the main compartment consists of a functional organizer pocket (capable of storing a 12-inch tablet device), as well as a space that can store a flask and a foldable umbrella at the same time, and the cushion pad placed on the back exterior also functions as a security pocket.
The bag is designed to fit your body, whether the shoulder straps are tight or loose, to suit the outfit and scene of the day.
From travel use to daily town use, it is a recommended item that makes the idea of "as long as I have this" a reality.
In collaboration with a local brand “豊岡鞄® TOYOOKA Bags”, which is a regional property of “Toyooka, the city of bags” who has a thousand years of history and tradition as a bag production area, we propose a new standard of a combination of innovative design and reliable technology.
- 内容物の出し入れのし易さと十分な視認性を確保した大開口のメインコンパートメント
- 内装フロント側のパッキング用スペースは型崩れ防止のウレタンフォーム内蔵
- 内装オーガナイザーには11インチ相当までのタブレットデバイス / 各種ケーブル / 記憶媒体 / 充電機器 / メモパッド / ペン等が収納可能
- バックパネルのクッションパッド(下段のみ)裏側に配置したセキュリティーポケットにはパスポートが収納可能
- ショルダーストラップは利き手に合わせて左右方向の入れ替えが可能
- 本体素材「CORDURA® Ballistic Hollofil AIR™」とYKK製「止水ファスナー」による「軽量性」「耐久性」「耐水性」
- 6Lの容量と多機能仕様にも関わらず僅か450gの本体重量
- 外側ポケット:1、内側ポケット:9(オーガナイザー含む)、ペン挿し:2
- Large-opening main compartment that ensures easy access to and from the contents and sufficient visibility.
- The packing space on the front side of the interior has a built-in rigid urethane foam to prevent it from losing its shape.
- Built-in organizer can store tablet devices up to 12 inches / various cables / mobile battery / pocket WiFi / memo pad / pen etc.
- Security pocket located behind the cushion pad on the back.
- A shoulder strap that can be easily switched from between left and right. It provides a comfortable fit and stability whether you carry it tightly or loosely.
- "Lightweight", "durability" and "water resistance" made possible by the main body materials "CORDURA® Ballistic Hollofil AIR™ Nylon" and YKK water sealing zippers.
- Adjustable strap
- Outer pocket: 1 , inner pocket: 9 (including organizing panel), pen holder: 2