beruf baggage
「URBAN EXPLORER MINI」は、ありふれた日常とトラベルシーンをシームレスにつなぐ、beruf baggage史上最も機能的でコンパクトなトラベルウォレットです。
鞄の産地として千年にも及ぶ歴史と伝統を誇る「鞄の街 豊岡」の地域財産である生産地ブランド「豊岡鞄®」とのコラボレーションによって、革新的なデザインと確かな技術を掛け合わせた新たなスタンダードをご提案します。
寸法 / DIMENSION | Width(幅)20cm / Height(高さ)10cm / Depth(奥行)4.5cm |
容量 / Capacity | 0.9 Liter |
重量 / Weight | 200g |
素材 / Material | Exterior(外装) ・CORDURA® Ballistic Hollfil AIR™ Nylon(ナイロン) Interior(内装) ・Nylon(ナイロン) |
原産国 / Origin | Japan |
"URBAN EXPLORER MINI" is the most functional and compact travel wallet in the history of beruf baggage that seamlessly connects our everyday life and travel scenes.
The functionality contained in the extremely minimal appearance can be intuitively worn and handled with simple steps.
The main compartment functions as a long wallet that has both a compact size and outstanding storage capacity, inheriting the outline and interior layout of the “STREAM WALLET”, which has been a staple item for many years.
A highly utility front pocket that can store extra items according to the situation.
If you use the detachable shoulder strap, you can use it as a travel case that combines the functions of a wallet and a pouch, allowing you to move comfortably in a minimalist style without having to carry an entire bag.
By storing the shoulder strap removed from the main body in the front pocket, it can be used as a long wallet that can be stored in the side pocket of the backpack of the same series for daily use.
From travel use to daily town use, it is a recommended item that makes the idea of "as long as I have this" a reality.
In collaboration with a local brand “豊岡鞄® TOYOOKA Bags”, which is a regional property of “Toyooka, the city of bags” who has a thousand years of history and tradition as a bag production area, we propose a new standard of a combination of innovative design and reliable technology.
- 内容物の出し入れのし易さと十分な視認性を確保した大開口のメインコンパートメント
- 型崩れ防止ウレタンフォーム内蔵のソフトケース仕様
- 収納対応スマートフォンサイズ:6.7インチ相当(iPhone PROシリーズ)
- 内装仕様|カード収納:12、紙幣収納:1、コイン収納:1(ファスナー開閉)
- フロントポケットにパスポートやキーケースを収納可能
- ショルダーストラップは利き手に合わせて左右方向の入れ替えが可能(未使用時はフロントポケットに収納可)
- 本体素材「CORDURA® Ballistic Hollofil AIR™」とYKK製「簡易撥水ファスナー」による「軽量性」「耐久性」「耐水性」
- Large-opening main compartment that ensures easy access to and from the contents and sufficient visibility.
- Soft case (built-in full urethane foam) specification that does not easily lose its shape.
- Storage compatible smartphone size: Equivalent to 6.7 inches (iPhone PRO series)
- Interior specifications | Card storage: 12, bill storage: 1, coin storage: 1 (zipper closure)
- Passport and key case can be stored in the front pocket.
- A shoulder strap that can be attached and detached and changed between left and right. (Can be stored in the front pocket when not in use)
- "Lightweight", "durability" and "water resistance" made possible by the main body materials "CORDURA® Ballistic Hollofil AIR™" and YKK waterproof zippers.